
This website was in live from 2007 and the original website content was accidentally removed. Current website is under Construction:

Mohammad Abdul Jalil, MBA:

I am experienced mainly in Supply Chain Management. I have worked 18 years with Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Companies, involved with offshore and onshore exploration projects. Over 8 years worked with Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) under Canadian High Commission of Bangladesh. Over 20 Years worked as counterpart with GOB high officials (ministries) on Company/Business matter/policies. Have expertise in expediting, government compliance, managed department, accounts, HR, logistics, procurement, contract, freights and shipping. Companies worked with Cairn Energy PLC of United Kingdom, Royal Dutch Shell, ConocoPhillips and Halliburton of United States, Chinese National Oil Company (CNPC)/BGP. Capacity worked as Country Coordinator, Department Head, Project Member and as worker. Worked in Malaysia, Singapore, India, Bangladesh and Thailand.

Associates with running projects as Consultant: 2 Offshore 3D Seismic acquisition projects in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh for the companies Indian National Oil and Gas Company (ONGC) via Sub-contractor Sinopec/CNPC of China and POSCO Daewoo of Korea. I am remotely involved with Oil and Gas Projects in Bangladesh through Upstream and Downstream Services of Bangladesh.

I moved to NY, USA as an Immigrant and currently working with New York City Agency Human Resources Department, Department of Social Services as Job Opportunity Specialists. My previous job was with NYPD as Civilian Member. I enjoy working for new things, undertaking new projects, taking challenges and helping others to have work. My personal Profile may be viewed in LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/md-abdul-jalil-86425ba

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